Join us Sundays at 9 AM or 11 AM! If this is your first time checking in kids, save time by pre-registering them on our NEW GUEST CARD.

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We are currently offering Sunday morning children's ministry in Trails Kids for infants through 4th grade (infants through Pre-K during the summer). Trails Kids has two purposes on Sunday morning – to empower children with the power of the gospel and to allow parents to hear the Word of God uninterrupted in corporate worship. Our Sunday mornings in Trails Kids will mirror the corporate worship happening in the chapel. We set aside time for singing, Bible teaching, and exciting activities led by enthusiastic volunteers ready to engage every child.

Fill out our NEW GUEST CARD ahead of time to make checking in your kids for the first time quick and easy.

TGP-Logo-Kids-Tex-BWWe use The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum for all ages. This innovative curriculum walks through all of Scripture over the course of three years, with curriculum designed especially for each age level. Our mission is to equip families to engage in spiritual conversations at home, not just in classrooms on Sunday morning. Regardless of your child's age, you’ll see the same memory verse come home and you’ll see that as your child grows older, they get a clearer and deeper meaning of each story on Sunday morning. Our hope is that younger children will be able to tell you the basics of the story and older children will be able to fill in missing pieces of that story and how it applies to everyday life.

Child Dedication

Child dedication is a commitment of a believer to obediently raise children in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:5-9). While dedicating your child is not evidence of your child’s salvation, it is a symbol of your dedication to the body of believers that your family will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). Members may sign up their children by filling out the Child Dedication Form. (Although child dedication is offered on Mother's Day and Thanksgiving Sunday each year, you are welcome to choose another date when filling out the form.)

VBS 2025 Volunteers

Our Trails VBS is set for June 2–5 this year and it's time to gather all of our amazing adult volunteers and junior helpers! Please sign up to help and join us for an AMAZING week of fun as we open God's word and magnify Him together!