We are so grateful for your partnership in the gospel. Every dollar given to The Trails Church is used to glorify God by making disciples through the gospel, in community, and on mission.
As we approach the end of 2024, we are continuing to seek funds to aggressively pay down debt from the construction of our new campus. So far this year, we have received approximately $2,200,000 in total donations and every dollar that has not been used towards our general budget has been allocated to building expenses.
As we look to 2025, we have exciting initiatives on the horizon that will help steward our resources for disciple-making. For the first time, we will be able to host a Marriage Conference on our campus and host partner ministry events and conferences. We have more seats for Sunday morning services and are able to host Bible Studies, Equip Classes, and Community Groups onsite. We are so excited to extend our reach to help more people in our community. Will you partner with us in this effort?
Give Online
Set up a new one-time or recurring gift using a check draft or credit/debit card.
Give Online
Modify an existing recurring gift by logging in to your Giving Profile and click on "My Giving." (To change the amount of your recurring gift, delete the current one and add a new one.)
My Giving Profile
Give By Mail
Set up automatic bill pay through your bank or mail a physical check to The Trails Church, P.O. Box 248, Celina, TX 75009.
Give at Church
On Sunday mornings, deposit your check in the Offering Box located in the back of the chapel.
Our financial and spiritual growth campaign, For the Mission, is underway! Please designate "For the Mission (Building Fund)" on your gifts for this important campaign. For details about For the Mission, please click here.