Join us Sundays at 9 AM or 11 AM! If this is your first time checking in kids, save time by pre-registering them on our NEW GUEST CARD.

Serving is one of the best ways to get involved at The Trails. We want to go above and beyond to make sure that guests know where to park and come in, where to take their kids, and how to get involved, and you can play an important role in helping us reach more people for Christ.

Sunday Morning Opportunities

We have important opportunities within our church to serve those who come to The Trails seeking the hope only Jesus gives. Each Sunday, we need helpers to care for children, to welcome guests, to set up and tear down, and to lead the church in singing and music. It takes all of us to make Sundays a success. Where will you serve on Sundays? Click on one of the teams below to sign up to serve.

Mid-Week Discipleship Opportunities

Other Discipleship Opportunities

For serving opportunities in other areas of discipleship (ex: teaching equip classes, leading community groups, etc.), please email the elders at

For all other ministries or opportunities to serve, please email