I grew up in DFW attending a Catholic church with my family. From an early age, I knew Jesus as my Savior and believed in the importance of attending church, but my knowledge of the Bible was very limited. In high school, I started attending YoungLife, where I realized there was a lot I didn't know about God and His Word. I took (very small) steps to learning more about and growing in my relationship with Christ, but it wasn't until I graduated from college and was facing adulthood on my own that I made real changes. By God's grace, I stumbled across a couple of gospel-preaching churches near me and started soaking up parts of Scripture I had never heard before.
My husband, David, and I were married shortly after that and I am so grateful that God has used David's love for reading and gift for learning to encourage me in my walk. David and I have two (almost three!) young children and my favorite time of the day is when we have family worship together - it is messy and quick, but beautiful and always points to Christ.
Professionally, I have held jobs at corporations, in education, and the hospital setting. I have a strong interest in child development and completed a master's degree in that field. It has been so fulfilling to serve in various capacities in Trails Kids over the past few years and I love any chance I get to talk to children about Jesus in age-appropriate language!
As The Trails grows, I am so excited to see what's to come. I pray that, as a church body, we remain obedient to the Lord's will for us and always stay attentive to His voice and His leading in our lives. I hope that there is an eternal impact in the midst of the loud, messy classrooms of Trails Kids.