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Hello Trails Family! For those that do not know me, my name is Jarratt Calvert. I have had a crush on my bride, Rebecca, since 1999 when we met in 7th grade. Fast forward to present day and we are married and have three beautiful children: Cooper, Lola, and Rosie Jo. I am a fifth generation Celina resident and was blessed to have been raised in a Christian home in a godly community. My parents faithfully set the example on the importance of being active members of a church body and making Jesus’ name known. Through their obedience and their saving knowledge of the Lord, I came to know Christ and was baptized at a young age.

The Lord continued to sanctify me throughout high school, and eventually at Texas A&M where my spiritual roots deepened as I continued to grasp what being saved by grace alone through faith alone meant. It was there that I was introduced to Pine Cove Christian Camps, and the Lord opened doors to camp ministry. I followed that calling by working four years as a college staffer and then four more years as a full-time staffer. Seeing young campers come to faith in Christ, while also discipling college counselors to think beyond themselves with a kingdom mindset, was an incredible blessing to witness. It was in camp ministry where I began to understand the importance of godly community and accountability—disciplines that are still parts of my life to this day.


My hope for the Trails is that together as a body of believers, we can be rooted in Scripture and fulfill the great commission in community and on mission. By covenanting together, we can strive to be known, fight against cultural Christianity, be sharpened by the Word of God in study and teaching, and be equipped by the Holy Spirit as we are a light to Celina and beyond.

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