In our Praying the Psalms blog series, we'll use the summer to model how to pray the Bible. Follow along each week as we post a devotional prayer based on the Psalm from Sunday's sermon. Additionally, we'll include a prayer to pray with your kids that will help teach them how to pray the Bible. We hope this will be a sweet aid to your prayer life! For more information about praying the Bible consider reading Don Whitney's book Praying the Bible.
Praying Psalm 37
My Father in Heaven, You are just and good in all Your ways. When the innocent suffer and the corrupt prosper, I take comfort in knowing vengeance is yours. While we watch others sling hateful speech and commit violent acts toward one another, I will not fret. Instead, I pray, and I trust your judgment. You provide the peace that my impulsive and splintered spirit can never deliver.
You protect me and provide for me with your perfect and sovereign care. It is futile for me to stress about what may happen today or tomorrow. You have seen it all, and you will take care of my loved ones and me.
Lord, I confess my worry and lay my burdens upon You. Forgive me for the envy I carry and help me to curb my anger, Lord. I’m angry that people prosper because of their cheating, stealing, and manipulation of others. I know You are just, and Your judgment is perfect. Help me not to envy those who forsake you for worldly gain. Help me not to envy those who seem to have it easy, although they do not have you. Help me to treasure and trust in You. You have the power to both give and take away. Thank you, Lord, for your inheritance that lasts forever while the wicked are cut off.
Thank you, Lord, for all of your generous gifts. You know my needs and desires before I can recognize them. You guide my steps and hold my hand; you keep me when I stumble.
It is better to have You than anything the world can offer and the wicked pursue. You have been so generous to me in Christ; help me be generous to others. Help me to cover offenses against me with the grace and forgiveness of Christ. When I want to be quick-tempered and unkind, make me thoughtful when I speak; give me wise and humble words that will encourage in the truth.
Help me to trust you and be still before you, Lord. Help me to wait patiently for your will to be made clear instead of fretting and attempting to micromanage your plan. Lord, please protect me and my brothers and sisters in Christ. I know the enemy moves to discredit you and harm us, especially the more we follow you and the closer we walk with you.
We will all vanish like smoke, and not even one of us is perfect or blameless, but you are, and you are eternal. Thank you for sending your perfect Son to blot away our sins so that I might know you. Thank you, Lord, for the peace, salvation, and deliverance you promise. You are our stronghold, and we take refuge in You.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Praying Psalm 37 with Kids
My Father in Heaven, You are always just and always good. Sometimes people are mean, yet things still seem to go well for them. Help me not be jealous of those who hate you. I know you will judge them, and you will judge me. Please forgive me in Christ, and help me to treasure you. Thank you for giving us everything we need. I don’t have to worry about anything because you always take care of us. But, sometimes, I still get nervous and anxious. Sometimes I get jealous of my friends, especially when they get special treatment even though they’re being unkind. Please forgive me and help me to value you above everything else. Please hold me and redirect me when I go the wrong way. Help me to trust you and thank you for loving me always and forever. Please cause me to take refuge in you, and forgive me in Christ. Teach me to rely on you alone as my safety in life.
In Jesus’ name, amen.