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We come to you this morning as a people saddened by the violence and conflict we have witnessed on the streets of our country.

We know from your Word that you created all of us in your image;

that you are a God who shows no partiality;

that by the blood of your Son, Jesus, you have ransomed a people unto yourself from every tribe, language, people, and nation on the earth.

We know that racism, bigotry, and hatred are absolutely antithetical to the gospel of Jesus Christ and represent the work of Satan seeking to divide us and take dominion over the hearts of men and women. 

The enemy is sowing hatred, discord, confusion, distrust, and anger, and that work has been brought to the forefront of our hearts and minds this morning.

In times like this, we are tempted to give up hope, to despair, to believe that the grieving will not end. But you tell us, Father, that we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We have hope because we serve the God who is greater than the enemy. We serve the God of hope.

And so this morning, we put our hope in you, God, because we know that there is no hope in violence, no hope in politicians, no hope in tribalism or divisiveness. But our hope, and the only hope for all mankind, is in the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

So this morning we pray for peace -- not a false peace that comes from sweeping our nation’s problems under the rug or dismissing them as water under the bridge, but a lasting peace rooted in our trust in your sovereignty and your provision. 

Please give our leaders wisdom and restraint as they deal with the present unrest amidst disruption caused by the virus. We pray, God, that you would, in your mercy, end this pandemic and protect those most vulnerable to the virus around the world.

We pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in India who are facing increased persecution for worshipping Christ. We pray that you strengthen their faith and their resolve to worship you in truth and to make your name known to their family and neighbors.

We pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are gathering this morning at Lighthouse Church. I pray that you would comfort them and bring peace to them this morning as they proclaim your glory and your preeminence to their community.

We need you, Father. We are wholly inadequate to face even the smallest of challenges without your strength and wisdom upholding us. So we pray, Father, that you would lift up our drooping hands and strengthen our weak knees, and make straight paths for our feet, so that we might be healed.

We pray that as a church we would strive to live at peace with everyone. 

We need your help, Father.

We love you, and pray all these things in Jesus name.
