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In our Praying the Psalms blog series, we'll use the summer to model how to pray the Bible. Follow along each week as we post a devotional prayer based on the Psalm from Sunday's sermon. Additionally, we'll include a prayer to pray with your kids that will help teach them how to pray the Bible. We hope this will be an encouraging aid to your prayer life! For more information about praying the Bible, consider reading Don Whitney's book Praying the Bible.

Praying Psalm 49

Lord, You are truly sovereign over every one of us. When I think of how expansive this world is, and the billions of its inhabitants, I am amazed by Your constant provision. Each one is from a different culture, with varying resources, and even more diverse viewpoints. Yet, You care for us all. Regardless of whether I am in a time of prosperity or poverty, it is in Your wisdom I seek to invest. Please help me to openly listen to Your words in a way that my heart understands.

I confess, Lord, that I wonder why those who cheat, steal, and pursue riches at any cost continue to prosper. Oftentimes, their entitled focus and pride seem rewarded with wealth and popularity while my more humble pursuits seem futile.

Yet, Lord, I understand from Your scripture that no one lives forever on this earth. Thank You that the grave is not my eternal home. Thank You for preparing a place for me to live with You forever, even after death. And while the world may admire and applaud those who flaunt their wealth and resources, their flesh and bones decay the same as mine do. Yet, because I know You and Your son, Jesus Christ, my soul rests with You forever. Lord, I pray for those who rely on the resources of this world to save them. Help them to know Your grace that saves us from death. Grant me the words to share the good news of the ransom You paid for me and for them.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Praying Psalm 49 with Kids

Lord, You are so big and loving. There are billions of people in the world and yet You specifically care about me. And just like You love me, You also love my friends and my family, even those who make poor choices. I noticed that sometimes people who do bad things don’t get into trouble and get things that I don’t have. This feels unfair and I confess to You that this makes me jealous. Even if I don’t have all of the things that my friends do, I should not be jealous because Your Word tells me you gave me the forever gift of getting to live with You forever. Help me, Lord, to share the good news of this gift with my friends so they can be with You too.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.