I did not grow up in a Christian home but was exposed to Christianity throughout my childhood in New Orleans and Nashville, primarily through friends. Even so, I put my trust in my own abilities in sports and academics and avoided God. I am the middle child of three brothers, and we spent our time in outdoor activities and impromptu wrestling matches. After my parents’ separation my senior year of high school, I decided to go west. It was at the University of Oklahoma where I was pursuing a degree in engineering where I heard the call from the Lord. Through the prayers of many friends, I came to know and accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
I was fortunate to get involved in and discipled through the Baptist Student Ministries under Max Barnett. My senior year I got to know Susan, now my partner for life, on a missions trip. By God’s design, we both moved to Southern California after graduating from college to help with youth ministry in a new church plant and later married in Claremont, California.
We spent our early married years in Maryland where I finished graduate school and worked at a national laboratory. We were involved in various outreach ministries and God blessed our family with the addition of a daughter and three sons. We have always had the desire to be a part of God’s growth plan (great commission), particularly in establishing new churches. After moving to North Texas, we were involved in new church plants and later joined Providence Church which was committed to growing the kingdom through church planting. It was pure joy to be part of The Trails Church from the beginning.
After many years of work in the technology industry building new businesses and facilities all over the world, God redirected me to supporting the growth of His church in a different way at The Trails where I am happy to serve as Deacon of Facilities.
My hope for The Trails is that we will glorify God with pure faith in demonstration of the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:5