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My Story

I grew up in DeSoto, TX in a loving Christian home. My parents raised me in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. However, my family’s church attendance was sporadic and it typically felt more like an obligation rather than true worship. I accepted Jesus at the age of 7, but never really experienced a joyful and truly authentic relationship with Him.

My junior high school years brought some hardship. My mother was diagnosed with cancer. She ultimately lost her difficult battle with the disease during my sophomore year of high school. My mother's death made me seek the Lord for comfort, peace, and guidance. I learned to rely on Him in an entirely new way. My eyes were opened, and I was able to experience His marvelous love, grace, and mercy like never before. I re-dedicated my life to Christ, proclaimed my faith publicly through baptism, and attended church faithfully every week.

After high school, I attended Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, TX, earned a degree in Broadcast Communications, and began my career in radio. During that time, I began dating the love of my life, Carrie. We married in 2000. God has since blessed us with 3 incredible children, Caleb, Isaac, and Aaron.

When our children were very little, we attended a church plant that didn’t have its own building. Over 6 years, the church utilized several different elementary schools for Sunday services. I had the privilege of serving on the set up and tear down team. The Lord used this time to cultivate my heart for service and I found joy in seeing His hands and feet in action.

The Lord led us to The Trails Church in 2018 and we became members shortly thereafter. During our time at the church, my sons and I have enjoyed serving together on the Set Up Team. My wife Carrie is the Set Up Team Coordinator and schedules our wonderfully dedicated weekly volunteers. I have the honor of serving as the Set Up Team Lead. It’s an amazing role that allows me to be part of what God is doing in and through The Trails Church. I also have the privilege of working alongside an amazingly gifted church staff. My desire here is to serve the body of Christ and do all things for His glory.

My Hope for The Trails

My hope for The Trails Church is that we show Christ's love as we serve one another and our community. May we continue to stand on the truth of God's word and proclaim His saving grace to all who will listen.

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