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My Story

I grew up in Germantown, TN in a Christian home with a family that darkened the church door whenever it was opened. I was “good” and tried to do right and thought that was enough. Through the faithful teaching and prayers of my parents, I recognized that being a Christian wasn’t about right behavior before God. It was about right standing before Him.

I realized I could never be good enough on my own, and I finally grasped that salvation was by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. At ten, I prayed and received Christ’s forgiveness and salvation. The hardest thing about being a Christian for me has been remembering that I did not deserve my salvation but was saved by God’s grace and that what matters to Him, and Him alone, is what must matter most to me.

Just behind the impact of God’s undeserved grace in my life is the undeserved love of my wife Desiree. I am in awe of her faithfulness to God and her diligence in studying and applying His word daily. We are blessed beyond measure by our three children Grayson, Houston, and Georgia and our God-sent daughters-in-law, Ali and Alex. Our most recent blessings are our beautiful granddaughters, Laken and Collins.

I am incredibly humbled to serve as an elder at The Trails. The Trails, to me, embodies the church in Acts chapter 2.

My Hope for The Trails

That we always keep our focus on the Lord and on the specific communities in which he has placed us. That we love one another as God has loved us. That we each truly desire and pursue fellowship with God. That we, as a body, commit to lives of true discipleship. That as a body, we won’t waste one precious hour getting upset about anything that will not matter in eternity. That we hold grace as costly and our personal desires as cheap.

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