My Story
I grew up in a non-Christian home that was culturally buddhist. Taught to work hard and be good, I had no concept of any higher purpose in life beyond my own selfish desires. But God, in His goodness, pursued me and eventually put a dissatisfaction in my heart for the things and successes of this world. During my senior year of high school, I read C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity and God used that book to bring me to a knowledge of Him and His rightful authority in my life as Creator of the universe.
Hungering for truth, I started to read the Bible for the very first time. Simple praise songs about Jesus dying on the cross for my sins made me weep with unexpected emotion. I didn’t know it yet, but the Lord was chiseling away at the hardness of my heart. Still, I felt like being a good person was good enough, and I had not yet understood my sin or my need for a Savior. But the Spirit was moving.
That fall, I started college at UCLA and became involved with a church and campus ministry that were faithfully preaching God’s word. The Lord convicted me of my selfishness and pride, and that I couldn’t ever be good enough before a holy God. That reality would have been devastating had it not been for the good news of Jesus! He bore that burden for me by living a perfect life, dying on the cross in my place, and rising victoriously from the grave. The saving gospel of Jesus was incredibly freeing! I repented of my sin, put my faith in Christ, and began to live by His grace and for His glory.
In the Lord’s kindness, I graduated with a B.A. in English, but more importantly, with a love for God’s word and His church. I married my college sweetheart, Ivan, and we moved to the great state of Texas in 2002 and didn’t look back! The Lord has given us 3 wonderful sons, Karston, Bryce, and Chase, and I love cheering them on in all of their endeavors. We love to travel, eat sushi, and spend quality time with people.
Over the years, I have worked as a proofreader, legal assistant, and non-profit administrator, and I cherished being able to stay at home with my boys when they were young. But I’m incredibly thankful for this new season of life serving as Director of Administration. Helping to plant The Trails Church has been one of our family’s most rewarding experiences. I adore our Trails Church family, and am so encouraged by the servant-hearted, generous community we have here.
My Hope for The Trails
My hope for The Trails Church is that we would pursue Jesus above all else, reflecting the beauty of the gospel as an undeserving people saved by grace.