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My Story

Throughout my life, I can clearly see the gracious hand of the Lord at work. I was born into a Christian home to a mother and father who loved God and diligently worked to make His name known both in our small family and our larger community. God could not have planted me into a better family.

I was saved at a young age but the fruit of a renewed heart was not really evident until late in my college years. God remained faithful to me even as I pursued other things before Him. And as I spent more and more time in His Word, my faith matured and my love for Christ blossomed.

My wife, Sally, is another clear example of the undeserved grace of God in my life. What a blessing she has been to me through our 37 years of marriage. God also graciously gave us two children—and now a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and our first grandbaby!

I studied Civil Engineering at Texas A&M as an undergraduate and received my MBA from Duke University. Most of my career has been spent in the software industry.

My Hope for The Trails

As a group of sinful but redeemed people who have covenanted together, I hope that The Trails will always be a place where the grace of God and the salvation offered through Jesus Christ will be clearly proclaimed. My prayer is that we would grow more deep in our knowledge of God, more loud in our praise of Him, and more bold in our proclamation of His Gospel. And may our love and care for each other always be a living testimony of God’s grace in our lives.

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