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My Story

I grew up in DeSoto, TX in a Christian home. At the age of 7, God saved me, and I was baptized two years later. I grew up in church and was there almost every time the doors opened until I graduated high school. Even though I don’t recall a time when I didn’t know Christ, my walk with him was not always strong. I spent my teen years trying to “be good” and so often failing, instead of just resting in the finished work of Christ. I wavered between a zeal for growing in Christ and wanting to still fit in with the world.

During a youth camp the summer after 7th grade, I felt the Lord prompting me to ministry, but I did not pursue the call. Instead, I went to college unsure of what I wanted to do. A few years after going away to school in Georgia, I met and married my husband, Earl. It wasn’t until after we had the first of our two boys that I became serious about my faith. By God’s grace, I have continued to grow in my love for His word and for the local church and His people.

Our family had the privilege of being a part of planting The Trails, and I am constantly in awe that I have the absolute joy of serving Christ here! God has been so kind to surround us with this amazing body of believers.

My Hope for The Trails

My hope for The Trails Church is that we would be a body who is committed to knowing God through His word and walking in rich communion with Him and His people.

Contact Jennifer Haeg
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