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My Story

In 2002, my wife, May, and I moved to the Dallas area from Southern California to serve God in whatever capacity He had in store for us. And we are so thankful that the path He paved before us led to Matt Boswell and The Trails Church! At times, it has been difficult to be transplants to Texas - rootedness and connection have not always felt easy or quick. But finding community within the church has helped us feel more at home on our journey, and this is only due to the grace of God.

From an early age, I learned how important it was to receive God’s forgiveness for my sins, and how Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross paid for the penalty of my sins. The result is that my primary identity and rootedness is found first in Christ. And everything else like location, employer, friends, family, and even church are valuable, but derive all of their value from their role in bringing glory to God.

Much of this mindset was instilled when May and I were at UCLA and attending Grace Community Church. Sitting under the preaching of John MacArthur taught us the life-changing nature of the gospel, how to study the Bible diligently, and how to be active, serving members of the body. After serving at my home church for a few years, we moved to Texas to continue studying the Bible at Dallas Theological Seminary. These experiences helped plant, grow, and anchor my love for God and His Word, which has been foundational for all aspects of life - church, family, work, and play.

May and I have 3 boys, Karston, Bryce, and Chase, whom we love dearly and are all soon leaving the nest. I enjoy most things quantitative and technical, and those talents play a role in my job in analytics at Toyota, as well as my experience/interest in New Testament textual criticism (if you don’t know what that is, come ask me and I’d love to share about it).

My Hope for The Trails

My hope in all things is that God is glorified. Specifically for The Trails, my hope is that we foster fervent, biblical worship of Him along with deepening relationships with each other and the North Texas community. May we be passionate servants, have vibrant community groups and friendships, grow in our knowledge and daily application of biblical truth, and live in joy and gratefulness for the gospel and all that God has done for us in Christ.

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