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My Story

My story of redemption is one of Christ’s precious and persistent pursuit of my heart. I grew up in Wichita Falls, TX as an only child to two unbelievably awesome parents. As a kid we regularly attended a Lutheran church, and at the age of 12 I heard and cognitively understood the gospel message; however, with a lack of discipleship and desire I continued to live my life in service only to myself. This style of living would continue through high school as well as college as I chased after all the things of this world, looking for meaning and satisfaction in the creation rather than the Creator.
In the midst of it all, the Lord blessed me with an unbelievable girlfriend that was much farther along and established in her relationship with Christ (outside of God’s providence, I don’t know why she was with me). Through some cunning and intentional persuasion, we began attending church together and serving in kids and youth ministry. It was during that time, and through those opportunities of service, that Christ began to soften my heart. I started to grow in my love and knowledge of Christ and His people (the Church) and began understanding what it truly meant to make him the Lord of my life. 

Well, that college girlfriend of mine would eventually become my wife (Emilee), and the mom to our four daughters (Berkley, Halle, Paisley, and Charlee) and I am forever grateful to the Lord for his grace to me through them. It is such a joy and a gift, for me to be married to my best friend, and together to teach and train our girls of God’s great love for them and the sacrifice that Jesus made on their behalf. 

Currently, I serve as the Pastor of Family Ministry and Director of Trails Students. Previously I worked at Prestonwood Christian Academy on the Campus Ministry Team, overseeing spiritual development and discipleship for students in Pre-K through twelfth grade. I have a degree in Education and taught in the classroom before transitioning into ministry. That being said, I’ve worked with and served with children and teenagers since I was in college, through various coaching jobs as well as youth group volunteer positions.

With my free time (which isn’t much) you can find me attending my kids’ activities, playing or watching just about any sport that has a ball, or dreaming about the next time I get to go to the mountains.

My Hope for The Trails

My hope for The Trails Church is that we would be a church that cares deeply about one another, that makes much of God’s holy Word, and that abides in Christ’s love, grace, and mercy towards us. That this would be a place where the Gospel is seen and heard in our gatherings, through our ministries, and in the lives of our members, so that sinners might be saved and that God would be glorified.

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