Join us Sundays at 9 AM or 11 AM! If this is your first time checking in kids, save time by pre-registering them on our NEW GUEST CARD.

Communion Team

Team Leader: Jill Rutland

The Communion Team prepares, distributes, and participates in communion as an act of worship during Sunday worship services.

Sign Up Today


What to Expect

Our team supports the Sunday worship services each week. You can expect to help in a variety of ways including:
* pray together as a team and discuss logistics
* prepare the elements and place on communion trays
* distribute communion during worship services


Serving Opportunities

Communion Usher: serves communion during Sunday worship services

Communion Coordinator: ensures that the Communion Ushers are staffed appropriately and ready to serve communion for Sunday worship services

Communion Set Up Team Member: prepares the communion elements for Sunday worship services

Communion Team Leader: ensures that the Communion Team is staffed and trained appropriately for Sunday worship services

Sign Up Today