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Advent 2021 1020x482

The Advent of Love | Psalm 89:1 | By Josh Stewart

I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations. – Psalm 89:1

For all eternity, God’s people will rejoice in the perfect and steadfast love of God. This is a beautiful truth to remember as we conclude our Advent series. As we approach Christmas day, we’re reminded that the baby who lies in the cradle is the King who reigns on the throne. As we worship Christ as a church on Christmas Eve, it’s a small taste of the worship we’ll experience for all eternity. This text reminds us that a real day is coming when we will sing of the love of God forever, and in the meantime, we can sing knowing that the love of God reigns over us right now. He loves us and we will see Him again, face to face. This day is surely coming!

Until then, as we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us proclaim the accomplished work of Christ to all! The proper response to God's steadfast love is to declare His greatness to others. Imagine you have a great job, with great benefits, at a great company, with a great boss, and they’re hiring. Wouldn't you invite people to leave their hard job with low pay and draining culture to join you in the work of a better place?

Similarly, there are people in your life who are trapped under sin and the power and influence of Satan. They are laboring under the yoke of a harsh master who longs to keep them trapped in darkness. Yet, there are people in this city whom God has called, but they have not yet heard the gospel or received Christ as their King. In response to His love, God invites us, as His ambassadors, to search for the lost bride and to invite everyone to come to Christ and be saved.

Because Christ came to us, we are invited to go to others, bearing the hope of the gospel of love. We know that all who call on Christ will be received. There is no resume required or a job interview necessary. Instead, we enter this Kingdom through gospel proclamation and faith in the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. Therefore, as we transition to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, let us respond in two ways:

1. Rest and rejoice in Christ, who has given us perfect hope, peace, joy, and love.
2. Proclaim the love of God to the nations and generations around you. Help the people in your life understand that Christ's birth was a unique event where God became like us to bring us back to God. Invite them to trust in Christ and find life this Christmas.

The baby that lay in the manger is the faithful King of Glory. Receive and rest in His love this Christmas.