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Advent 2021 1020x482

The Advent of Joy | Luke 2:10-11

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. – Luke 2:10-11

The heavenly announcement of Jesus' birth was unlike any other. Though most birth announcements are for family and friends, this glorious announcement was for the world.

When the angel of the Lord appeared before the shepherds, he announced Jesus’ birth with these words: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day…a Savior, who is Christ the Lord,” (Luke 2:10-11).

Why would the news of Jesus’ birth bring great joy? Because His arrival as the Savior meant redemption had finally come! The Israelites were awaiting the arrival of a Savior to rescue and redeem them from sin and restore their relationship with God. But this news wasn’t just for the Israelites. The angel said it was for all the people, anyone from any tribe or any nation. This was news of great joy because Jesus was the promised Savior the world had been waiting for since the fall of man in the garden. He was the promised Savior who would crush the serpent’s head.

But, the announcement of Christ’s birth was only the beginning. Jesus brought joy to the masses throughout His life and ministry. He healed people who had lifelong pain and affliction. He drew near to the marginalized and befriended the lonely. He freed people with words of truth and forgiveness. As John wrote, “He was full of grace and truth and from His fullness we have received grace after grace,” (John 1:14). Throughout His life, Jesus restored people’s lives from sin and brokenness and brought joy to all who trusted in Him.

But, this good news of great joy didn’t stop with Jesus’ birth, life, and ministry. His substitutionary death and triumphant resurrection ensured that His people would experience joy eternally! Through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, we have been restored, rescued, and redeemed. And now, when Christ returns, we who have trusted in our Great King will experience an eternal life of pure joy. What “good news of great joy” indeed!

Today, we wait. We wait, tasting joy in part and longing for Christ to return in full. Just as the Israelites waited for their Savior to arrive, we await His return. Soon, He will return to establish His Kingdom. He will rule over the earth and dwell with us. Our joy may seem to fade when we face difficult times. Broken relationships, health issues, financial hardships, indwelling sin, and so much more, can seek to steal our joy. Perhaps you’re reading this and your joy is depleted. Do not let your heart grow weary; He is coming for you.

When those shepherds experienced the glorious announcement of Christ’s birth, they probably never imagined that the promised joy would carry through the ages. When they looked up on that glorious night, they heard the promise of great joy. Years later, when the crowd looked up at the cross, they saw the fulfillment of God’s promise and the means that would lead to the joy of the nations. And today, anyone who “looks up” to Christ by faith, can experience the joy of forgiveness, restoration, and life. Today, look to Christ, abide in Him, and pray that the Lord would help you to know this good news of great joy!