In our Praying the Psalms blog series, we'll use the summer to model how to pray the Bible. Follow along each week as we post a devotional prayer based on the Psalm from Sunday's sermon. Additionally, we'll include a prayer to pray with your kids that will help teach them how to pray the Bible. We hope this will be a sweet aid to your prayer life! For more information about praying the Bible consider reading Don Whitney's book Praying the Bible.
Praying Psalm 39
Lord, I feel like such a mess inside. Why is life so hard and the world so broken? I have been struggling with how I'm thinking. I have big feelings and big questions. I see the consequences of sin, both mine and others, and it brings me down. Help me to come and rely on you. Don’t let me speak foolishly out of despair and bitterness. Please quiet my heart with your kindness.
I have sinned and it hurts. But, I know that you are my Redeemer! I need you God; oh I need you! Forgive me for my sin and restore me. Help me find my joy in you, so that I might not run to sin. Give me an eternal perspective about life. Make me realize that life is short, and help me leverage each day for the cause of Christ. Help me come to the end of myself and depend on You. When life is full of sorrow and disappointment, help me find my hope in You. The world lives for today, but help me to live with the hope of eternity.
God, please have mercy on me! You hear my prayers and cries for help. Use your loving discipline to sanctify me. Make me want more of You! Grant me forgiveness. Give me wisdom as I move forward. Even though I feel like I’m wrestling in darkness, I have hope in You, the Light of the World. Help me not despair but submit to your will. Convince my heart that you are enough!
Remind me again of who You are, my Redeemer, my Rock. Bring me joy and peace in You. Help me to trust in your faithfulness to your promises. Only You can deliver me from my sin, fear, despair, enemies, and death. Be my Rock. Thank you for turning your face from my sin, and onto Christ. David says, “look away from me, that I may smile again.” Thank you for looking away from your Son, on the cross, so that I might always experience your love. Help me measure my days and govern each one in your love.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Praying Psalm 39 with Kids
Dear God, please work in my heart and show me when I sin. Show me when I do things that dishonor you. Help me come to you with big emotions and all my questions, because you love to take care of me. Help me speak wisely. Teach me to count my days and live in a way that will help others love you. I often focus on fun, friends, and other good things; but help me to focus on you more than anything!
Help me to believe that it is better to bring my sins into the light than hide them in the darkness. You are quick to forgive and have so much mercy and compassion. Help me to learn this now so that I might have a full life of joy in you. Help me remember that you hear my cries and help me to live with love for you.
In Jesus’ name, amen.