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In our Praying the Psalms blog series, we'll use the summer to model how to pray the Bible. Follow along each week as we post a devotional prayer based on the Psalm from Sunday's sermon. Additionally, we'll include a prayer to pray with your kids that will help teach them how to pray the Bible. We hope this will be a sweet aid to your prayer life! For more information about praying the Bible consider reading Don Whitney's book Praying the Bible.

Praying Psalm 36

Lord, I pray for those who are blatantly pursuing sin and not worshipping you. Please open their eyes and soften their hearts. Show them the full weight of their sin and cause them to seek You! You alone can change their course from death to life. Help me to pray for those who rebel against You, remembering that you have rescued me from my own destruction. Guard my heart and keep it tender. Cause me to see and repent of my daily sin.

I praise you, Lord, for the immeasurable lovingkindness that covers me as your child. Your love towards me stretches far beyond my imagination, farther than the galaxies that are still being discovered. It is vast! Let my thoughts run to, and rest in, your immense love. Your righteous character and goodness never change. When life around me constantly changes, I know you are always the same: fixed and steadfast. I praise You, Lord, because nothing can hinder or deter your good plans!

Your protective presence is the sweetest refuge. The world rages, trials trouble, and my heart fails, but You surround me with safety, goodness, abundance, life, and light. Your extravagant lovingkindness is the shelter that my heart longs for. Protect me from my enemies. Protect me from my pride and the sins that easily entangle me. Please shower your love on us, as your children, and help us to constantly see and recognize your lovingkindness.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Praying Psalm 36 with Kids

Lord, I pray for my friends who like bad things more than they love You. They are walking down a road without you; they are hurting themselves and hating You. Will you please change their hearts and save them in Christ?

I am so thankful that your love for me is bigger than anything I can think of. Bigger than the entire sky. I can run to you, because You love me! I can run to you when I am happy, scared, nervous, sad or have done something I shouldn’t. You always receive those who come to you; please show me how good you are! Thank you for being my safest place.

In Jesus’ name, amen.