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In our Praying the Psalms blog series, we'll use the summer to model how to pray the Bible. Follow along each week as we post a devotional prayer based on the Psalm from Sunday's sermon. Additionally, we'll include a prayer to pray with your kids that will help teach them how to pray the Bible. We hope this will be a sweet aid to your prayer life! For more information about praying the Bible consider reading Don Whitney's book Praying the Bible.

Praying Psalm 35

Heavenly Father, will you fight for me as I face opposition? Be a shield about me and come to my rescue. Please stop those who pursue my life and remind me that you are my salvation. May those who seek to harm me be disappointed and turned away. May they be ashamed and dishonored. Drive them away from me and trap them in their own traps. Make their way dark and slippery because they have pursued me for no cause. May they see their plans fail when they least expect it. As for me, let me be glad in your salvation, and may I see your deliverance in my oppression and vulnerability.

Father, protect me from false accusations and those who would love to see me fall. Shelter me from those who repay evil for good. Help me be like You and help me love my enemies. Remind me to pray for those who persecute me. Help me to mourn for their misfortune, even when they delight in mine. Grant me the security in your love to extend love to the seemingly loveless and mercy to those who least deserve it. Be a refuge for me when they boast over me in my pain. When they see me fall and rejoice, help me know that you see me and will come to my rescue.

Father, guard me against the lies of others, from the hateful glare of those opposed to me. You are my judge, not those who delight at my downfall and deceive themselves about me. Do not keep silent, and do not be far from me. Make clear to me and those around me the way you see me and your righteous assessment of me. Do not let those who rejoice at my calamity see their hearts’ desire. Disappoint them and make them look foolish, those who magnify themselves at my expense.

On the other hand, let those who are for me, those who love me and love you, rejoice and shout for joy in you. May my life be a visible reminder of your faithfulness and love. Let them magnify your name for your work in my life. And cause me to join them in praising your name. You are great and delight to take care of me. Help me to worship you!

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Praying Psalm 35 with Kids

Father in Heaven, you are the one who fights for me. You are my shield. Help me obey Jesus’s command to love my enemies and to pray for those who are mean to me. Thank you for showing me kindness when I am mean to you and others. Help me trust in your strength and power to save me, not in myself. Thank you for my parents and all those who seek good things for me. Let us all praise you as you rescue us over and over again. Help me tell everyone about the love and power you’ve shown us in Christ! 

In Jesus’ name, amen.