In our Praying the Psalms blog series, we'll use the summer to model how to pray the Bible. Follow along each week as we post a devotional prayer based on the Psalm from Sunday's sermon. Additionally, we'll include a prayer to pray with your kids that will help teach them how to pray the Bible. We hope this will be a sweet aid to your prayer life! For more information about praying the Bible consider reading Don Whitney's book Praying the Bible.
Praying Psalm 33
Father, thank you for the gift of singing! Praising you in song, praising you with joy, is appropriate. It is right to sing of how great you are; it is right to praise your name! Let my joy in you continue to grow, and please keep showing me how great you are so that my praise might increase!
Your Word is good and true because you are good and true. Everything you do is an expression of your faithful love. In love, you made all things, and in love, you sustain all things. Only you have the power to create and sustain all things. I praise you for how great you are! For it is right to do so!
People make plans, yet it is your will that endures. People make evil plans, and yet, you restrain so much evil. Praise you for your kindness! Thank you for letting me be a part of your people. Thank you for saving us in Christ and making us your heritage. There is no greater life than living with you! When trouble comes, and heartaches occur, help me remember that you are good and in control of everything.
You are in complete control, not me. And that is terrific news. I know at times, I don’t feel that. I know there are many ways that I trust in the securities of life in order to bring me safety. But those things cannot save me. Only you can save me. And you have done this by orchestrating all things for my good, sending your Son into the world, and having Him bear the wrath that I deserve so that I might be counted righteous. You are in charge of all, and you specifically watch out for me because I am your child. You care for me and for all who hope in your steadfast love. You deliver us from so much evil. Regardless of what happens today, I know I can trust you because you’re in control, and you’re using all things for my good.
You are my protection and my help. I trust in you, and my heart finds joy in you. Let your steadfast love be upon your people today as we put our hope in you.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Praying Psalm 33 with Kids
Father, it is right to call you glorious and good because that is what you are! It is right to sing songs about how great you are because that is true! You are in complete control, and you take care of me. You are my Savior, and you promise to use all things for the good of your people. You’ve shown your willingness to do this by sending your Son to die for me. Help me to trust in you and hope in your love today.
In Jesus’ name, amen.