We are pleased to introduce you to Ashby Porter, our new Ministry Leader of Hospitality! Ashby came to know Jesus as a college Sophomore in 1995 when God used Christ-following teammates to call him to Himself. God knew that this was the exact way to win his heart as Ashby loved being a team member! The trust and authenticity that he saw in those men was evidence that God loved him and was claiming him as His own.
Ashby and his wife, Amy, have been married over 20 years and have had the privilege of raising their son and daughter and fostering many other children in their home. The Porters have loved being part of The Trails from the very beginning, and have enjoyed their fantastic Community Group which has become very close in a relatively short period of time. Throughout the years, Ashby and Amy have served the Lord in several different ministries, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes, church youth groups and classes, Community Groups, Men's Ministry, discipleship of young coaches and teachers in the public education setting, and serving as a church elder. Clearly, they love to do life with people!
When asked about the importance of Hospitality Ministry at The Trails, Ashby replied, “I see the Connect/Hospitality team as not only a group that loves to welcome people to corporate worship on Sunday mornings, but also the "tip of the spear" in penetrating the community with the love of Jesus. This team can truly be a picture of His commandment to love God and others.”
Ashby is praying that God will use our church and the Hospitality Team to love people well and make an impact in our communities for His glory. Please also be in prayer for Ashby, that God would keep him focused on Him daily for spiritual discipline, growth, and humility. Please join us in welcoming Ashby to his new role as our Hospitality Ministry Lead!