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Each week we will be publishing a bulletin that corresponds with the service, including a lyric sheet for the hymns we sing. We will also be publishing a new Trails Kids lesson and encourage you to continue to journey through the bible with your children, showing them how each story is a part of the greater story of God's salvation for his people. 

Download and print this week's Bulletin & Songs
Read this week's Trails Kids Newsletter
Watch this week's Sunday Service

Sunday, July 18, 2021: Order of Worship




O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
    my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
    as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
    beholding your power and glory.
Because your steadfast love is better than life,
    my lips will praise you.
- Psalm 63:1-3


All People That on Earth Do Dwell
God is For Us



Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor


Our Light and Our Salvation | Psalm 27


He Will Hold Me Fast


For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

Songs of Worship 

All People That On Earth Do Dwell

All people that on earth do dwell
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice
Serve Him with joy, His praises tell
Come now before Him and rejoice

Know that the Lord is God indeed
He formed us all without our aid
We are the flock He surely feeds
The sheep who by His hand were made

O enter then His gates with joy
Within His courts His praise proclaim
Let thankful songs your tongues employ
O bless and magnify His name

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

“All People That On Earth Do Dwell” Public Domain, Louis Bourgeois, William Kethe, and Thomas Ken.

God is For Us

We won't fear the battle, we won't fear the night
We will walk the Valley with You by our side
You will go before us, You will lead the way
We have found a refuge only You can save

Sing with joy now our God is for us
The Father's love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice now no love is greater
Who can stand against us if our God is for us

Even when I stumble, even when I fall
Even when I turn back still Your love is sure
You will not abandon, You will not forsake
You will cheer me onward with never ending grace

Neither height nor depth can separate us
Hell and death will not defeat us
He who gave His Son to free us
Holds me in His love

“God is For Us” James Ferguson, James Tealy, Jesse Reeves, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Rich Thompson, and Tiarne Tranter.
© 2018 CityAlight Music/ Farren Love And War Publishing/ Integrity's Alleluia! Music/ BEC Worship/ My Eleiht Songs/ WriterWrong Music
CCLI License #11408128

Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor

Christ the sure and steady anchor
In the fury of the storm
When the winds of doubt blow through me
And my sails have all been torn
In the suffering, in the sorrow
When my sinking hopes are few
I will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor
While the tempest rages on
When temptation claims the battle
And it seems the night has won
Deeper still then goes the anchor
Though I justly stand accused
I will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor
Through the floods of unbelief
Hopeless somehow, O my soul, now
Lift your eyes to Calvary
This my ballast of assurance
See His love forever proved
I will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor
As we face the wave of death
When these trials give way to glory
As we draw our final breath
We will cross that great horizon
Clouds behind and life secure
And the calm will be the better
For the storms that we endure

Christ the shore of our salvation
Ever faithful ever true
We will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

“Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor” Matthew Boswell and Matthew Papa.
© 2014 Messenger Hymns and Love Your Enemies Publishing.

CCLI License #11408128

He Will Hold Me Fast

When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast
When the tempter would prevail, He will hold me fast
I could never keep my hold through life’s fearful path
For my love is often cold; He must hold me fast

He will hold me fast, He will hold me fast
For my Saviour loves me so, He will hold me fast

Those He saves are His delight, Christ will hold me fast
Precious in his holy sight, He will hold me fast
He’ll not let my soul be lost; His promises shall last
Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast

For my life He bled and died, Christ will hold me fast
Justice has been satisfied; He will hold me fast
Raised with Him to endless life, He will hold me fast
‘Till our faith is turned to sight, When He comes at last!

“He Will Hold Me Fast” Ada Ruth Habershon and Matthew Merker.
© 2013 Getty Music Publishing/ Matthew Merker Music
CCLI License #11408128


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