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Each week we will be publishing a bulletin that corresponds with the service, including a lyric sheet for the hymns we sing. We will also be publishing a new Trails Kids lesson and encourage you to continue to journey through the bible with your children, showing them how each story is a part of the greater story of God's salvation for his people.
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Sunday, February 21, 2021: Order of Worship
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
whom he has redeemed from trouble
Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
And let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving,
and tell of his deeds in songs of joy!
- Psalm 107:1-2, 21-22
How Rich a Treasure We Possess
Jesus, Fount of Joy Eternal
My Worth is Not in What I Own
Treasure and Treason | Matthew 26:1-16
Jesus Paid It All
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
- Numbers 6:24-26
Songs of Worship
How Rich a Treasure We Possess
How rich a treasure we possess, in Jesus Christ our Lord
His blood our ransom and defense, His glory our reward
The sum of all created things is worthless in compare
For our inheritance is Him whose praise angels declare
How free and costly was the love, displayed upon the cross
While we were dead in untold sin the Sovereign purchased us
The will of God the Father demonstrated through the Son
The Spirit seals the greatest work, the work which Christ has done
How vast and measureless the flood of mercy unrestrained
The penalty was paid in full, the spotless Lamb was slain
Salvation, what a priceless gift received by grace through faith
We stand in robes of righteousness, we stand in Jesus’ name
For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory
Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory
Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory Amen
“How Rich a Treasure We Possess” Matt Boswell and Matt Papa
© 2010 Curb Dayspring Music, LLC/ Love Your Enemies Publishing
CCLI License # 11408128
Jesus, Fount of Joy Eternal
Jesus, fount of joy eternal
Spring of endless love divine
Deepest well once poured out for us
Filling empty hearts with life
Come rejoice, be glad forever
Come rejoice again in Christ
Jesus, fount of joy eternal
Precious savior, our delight
Long we drank from shallow waters
Filled but never satisfied
Till when Calv’ry’s flood broke open
Mercy flowed in full supply
Oh what heights of truest pleasure
Oh what depths of sacrifice
Jesus, fount of joy eternal
By his blood we’re washed as white
Just beyond these restless waters
There’s a land where peace will reign
Sin and sadness there are swallowed
In a sea of sovereign grace
On those shores we’ll sing forever
Planted by the streams of life
Jesus, fount of joy eternal
Heaven’s treasure our delight
“Jesus, Fount of Joy Eternal” David Ames, Matt Boswell, and Matt Papa.
© 2018 Getty Music/Messenger Hymns/Love Your Enemies
CCLI License #11408128
My Worth is Not in What I Own
My worth is not in what I own
Not in the strength of flesh and bone
But in the costly wounds of love at the cross
My worth is not in skill or name
In win or lose in pride or shame
But in the blood of Christ that flowed at the cross
I rejoice in my Redeemer
Greatest treasure Wellspring of my soul
I will trust in Him no other
My soul is satisfied in Him alone
As summer flowers we fade and die
Fame youth and beauty hurry by
But life eternal calls to us at the cross
I will not boast in wealth or might
Or human wisdom’s fleeting light
But I will boast in knowing Christ at the cross
Two wonders here that I confess
My worth and my unworthiness
My value fixed my ransom paid at the cross
“My Worth is Not in What I own” Graham Kendrick, Keith Getty, and Kristyn Getty
© 2014 Getty Music Publishing / Make Way Music. CCLI License # 11408128
Jesus Paid It All
I hear the Savior say
“Thy strength indeed is small
Child of weakness, watch and pray
Find in Me thine all in all”
Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow
Lord, now indeed I find
Thy power and Thine alone
Can change the leper’s spots
And melt the heart of stone
And when before the throne
I stand in Him complete
Jesus died my soul to save
My lips shall still repeat
Oh, praise the One who paid my debt
And raised this life up from the dead
“Jesus Paid It All” Alex Nifong, Elvina M. Hall, and John Thomas Grape.
© 2006 Pay Me Please Publishing/ sixsteps Music/ worshiptogether.com songs
CCLI License # 11408128
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