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The Advent season is a wonderful time to reflect deeply on the person and work of Jesus Christ. While every Sunday service at The Trails Church is intentionally Christ-centered, these four weeks elevate our focus in a special way: the Scriptures we read point to Jesus, the songs we sing echo the story of His birth, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper proclaiming His finished work, and we pause from our usual sermon series to delve into passages that help us behold and believe in the biblical Jesus.

Last week, I encouraged our congregation to deepen their understanding of Christology (the doctrine of Christ) during this Advent season. While I couldn’t go into specific recommendations in the sermon, I’d like to share a few resources now, categorized loosely into three helpful groups.

Level 1

Gibson, Jonathan. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany. Crossway, 2023.

Jonny Gibson's O Come, O Come, Emmanuel offers a 40-day liturgy crafted for daily worship from Advent to Epiphany. Through scripture readings, hymns, prayers, and moments for reflection, it guides individuals and families in meaningful times of worship.

Level 2

Athanasius. On the Incarnation. Translated by A Religious of C.S.M.V., edited by C. S. Lewis. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1996.

Athanasius lifts our hearts to marvel at the Incarnation, unveiling the immense lengths God went to in bringing life to those dead in sin. This timeless work reveals the person and work of Christ, drawing readers into a richer understanding of His redemptive mission and the wonder of His love.

Level 3

Wellum, Stephen J. God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ. Crossway, 2016.

In God the Son Incarnate, Stephen J. Wellum invites us to think biblically, historically, and carefully about Christology. While it is an academic publication, this would serve any serious student of Scripture to grow in their understanding and worship of Jesus.

Scripture Focus

Each of these books can be a wonderful aid to your Advent season, but the greatest resource is always Scripture itself. Consider exploring one of the Old Testament prophets, reflecting on how their words foreshadow Christ, or meditating on a New Testament Christ hymn, such as Colossians 1:15–20 or Philippians 2:6–11, accompanied by a thoughtful commentary or sermon series.

Whatever you choose to read, I pray this Advent season fills your heart with the truth and beauty of Christ as you reflect on his first arrival and anticipate his promised return.