My Story
I am the oldest of six children to Christian parents who raised me in the Baptist church. I was baptized at 9 years old at Colony Park Baptist Church in 1987. We then moved to east Texas where we regularly attended First Baptist Church of Mount Vernon. My dad was a deacon for many years and is currently an elder at Sylvania Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas.
The story of Christ’s redemptive work in my life, however, is not one of a straight line. At times, I found myself left unto my own heart’s desires. Although I’ve felt the Lord in my life from an early age and saw a Christian life modeled by my parents in many positive ways, it wasn’t until my early twenties that the Lord began calling me out of darkness. I vividly remember beginning to see who God really was: a perfect, holy, loving God who was sovereign over everything. My early understanding of who God was tied back to the law very well. But what that did over time was simply reveal through my sinful decisions how far from Him I was. And for a few years, it felt as if God was not capable of breaking through to me and that my sinful heart was more powerful. This began to create some doubt. But looking back, I can see how the Lord used that time to show me my desperate need for Him and that He never left me. He protected me in many ways and used that time to convict my heart.
My dad and I began talking through this, as he was also still learning and growing. It was during this time that he shared with me the doctrines of salvation according to what Paul said in Romans: that by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone I was saved (Romans 3:21-26). And although I had read these verses many times over many years in Sunday school, VBS, and youth groups, it was like I was reading them for the first time. Like Paul says, scales fell off of my eyes and I understood the work of Christ.
My Hope for The Trails
I am so grateful for the Lord’s mercy and kindness towards me and want to share that continually. My prayer for The Trails Church is Psalm 40:16-17, “But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, ‘Great is the Lord!’ As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!”